Why Hydronic Heating Is Best for a Home Heating System

It’s happened to the best of us: we’ve spent some time outside in the snow and entered our homes ready to shake off the harsh chill of winter. While there’s an initial wave of warm air when the door opens, not long after, you end up feeling defocused and exhausted. You end up getting a blanket for your cold feet as you settle into a recliner or sofa. Eventually, you end up with dry, itchy skin. By that point, you’re wondering just how much more it will be before spring finally rolls around and your heat can be turned off. 

Around 70% of Americans are basically not satisfied with their existing heating system. A whopping 90% of them have homes that have installed forced-air heating. One good way to solve this concern is to look into hydronic heating solutions.

What Is Hydronic Heating?

Basically, the heat that is transferred efficiently with the use of water is called hydronic heating. In comparison to air, water can conduct heat far more easily. As a result, there is less energy consumed for heat to be spread out in the entirety of the home. 

Big homes use boilers, though smaller ones can get hydronic service through alternative sources that are far more cost-efficient. This includes gas water heaters, heat pumps, as well as solar panels and the like.

Aside from lowered energy costs, here are other benefits of using hydronic heating:

Uniform and Subtle Warmth Throughout the Home

Pipes are installed in a certain area of the house, such as baseboards, ceilings, and walls. The best place is under the floors. Wherever they end up, this is how the heat is spread throughout the house: heat is transferred from the pipes to a room’s walls, leading heat waves to radiate within the entirety of the house. This gives it more of a homey feel, with a warmth that is uniform in nature and quite subtle, providing you and your family much-needed comfort.

Does Not Produce Noise and Adjustable Temperature

Another advantage to using hydronic heating is that it’s incredibly quiet. Compared to other choices available on the market, it’s practically impossible to detect audibly in general. It’s also very flexible, which allows for various temperatures by the room, depending on the occupant’s personal preferences.

Less Allergens

Since air is not used for rooms to be heated, there is also less risk for allergens to be present. This is a great health benefit, especially for homes wherein an occupant has asthma or is generally prone to allergic reactions or colds.

Can Be Used Outdoors

Aside from being used inside in order to warm up a home, hydronic heating systems can also be used outside to heat driveways, roofs, or even sidewalks. Alternatively, there is also hydronic cooling, which essentially works the same except cold water is used instead of hot.


Hydronic heating is extremely beneficial for several reasons. It uses water instead of air to distribute heat throughout the home. Different temperatures can be set in each room, and it’s incredibly quiet, especially compared to other heating options available on the market.

Looking for hydronic heating system maintenance? Reach out to Air 1 LLC today! We are a full-service heating and air-conditioning company specializing in all equipment brands, from residential to commercial. We’re a fully licensed and insured HVAC contractor.